
to create an Online Mart ?

We are here to provide you a technically robust multivendor online platform that will allow multiple sellers to get listed on your website and start selling products after your consent.

Are you planning to create an online mart where multiple vendors can sign up and sell their products? Even though the idea is groundbreaking, but managing a multivendor business is not like eating a piece of cake. Managing inventory, sales and billing/shipping of every transaction or purchase on a multivendor website on your own is an impossible task. So, why not create a multivendor web Mercato which is automated and buyers can create their own multiple orders? If this sounds good to you, then we are here to provide you a technically robust multivendor online platform that will allow multiple sellers to get listed on your website and start selling products after your consent.

Our team is equipped and experienced to develop online portals of this magnitude and will ensure that the control of the website remains with you, not the sellers. We understand that security is the main factor for such websites and we provide encrypted codes that are hack-proof ensuring maximum safety to our clients. Apart from security, we can offer single platform site that will help to showcase the products of different vendors describing the product categories and vendor names giving consumers the freedom to choose the vendor and order from the particular vendor only. If need be, we can also create apps or integrate old apps to drive sales for your multivendor website thereby increasing leads up to 50%. Our team will keep in mind the website dynamism so that vendors can manage product categories and we will also offer customization options so that one can change the theme or design as per their needs. So, if you are planning to create an online hub or department store then get in touch with us and we will provide advanced and customized solutions at the budgeted price.

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